Gyô is a mischievous little boy who lives in a Shinto temple in Japan. One morning, he breaks a precious vase and runs off into the forest to escape his father's reprimands. There he meets Babasan, the great Kami spirit (a deity revered in the Shinto religion). She's worried because winter won't go away! She offers our young hero a mission to make up for his mistake: he must recover his fan, stolen by an evil kitsune (fox) who is preventing spring from returning. Gyô will have to face up to his fears and show his ingenuity and courage to succeed in his mission. Thanks to the help of a crane, he manages to retrieve the magic fan. Spring returns: the seasons are saved.
Gyô's Spring is a tale for children, but above all it's an ecological message!
And as is customary in this "Creative Albums" collection:
At the end of the book, children can continue the story by doing handicrafts. Cutting, pasting, colouring... the creation of a fan is at the heart of the tale! It is explained in the form of a drawn tutorial and accompanied by special sheets of paper that can be easily detached... Something to keep our dear little readers busy.
Publisher: Éditions Akinomé
Collection: Akinomé jeunesse
Pages count Book: 56
Published: 19 march 2021
Edition: 1st edition
Interior: Colour
Media: Book
Weight (in grammes): 378
Language(s): French
EAN13 Book: 9791096405336